Training program on “Energy Efficiency Information System / Planning, Implementation and Reporting on Energy Efficiency” is developed within the project “Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Energy Community Treaty in Montenegro” funded by the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro.

This workshop was intended for representatives of the public sector (local self-gonverment and state administation bodies), in the aim of their preparation for successful implementation of the Law on Energy Efficiency. Workshop was held in Bar, on November 23-23th of 2011.

In addition, you can find subjects and download materials (in Montenegrin language) which are elaborated within the organized workshop:

  1. Overview of the obligations of local governments and state institutions under the Law on Energy Efficiency
  2. Guidelines for the implementation of energy efficiency criteria in public procurement
  3. Guidelines for establishing an energy management system
  4. The list of low-cost energy efficiency measures
  5. Guidelines for implementing energy efficiency measures in existing buildings
  6. Guidelines for implementing energy efficiency measures in HVAC systems
  7. Planning and reporting on energy efficiency of the Local Self-government
  8. The concept of an Energy Efficiency Information System

In case that you want to download materials  alltogether (in MNE lenguage) you can find it on the following link.