Info Center for energy efficiency in Podgorica is located at the following address: Ulica Svetozara Markovića 17. The center is opened in cooperation between the capital city Podgorica and the GIZ regional project “Strengthening the capacities for energy management in cities” .








Info Center has two employed energy advisors who are trained to work with citizens and to provide the necessary information on energy efficiency. Citizens can get useful advice in the Info-center. In addition, the Info Center is also a showroom containing energy efficient products, such as: solar collectors, air-conditioners with inverter, LED lightning, insulation etc.

The showroom is equipped with the help of several private companies that sell these products.

There is a free info line 080 081 660 within the Info Center.

At a later stage, the plan is to transform the Info center into an Office for energy management of the capital city.

In addition, Info center for energy efficiency was opened in Bijelo Polje, (Ul. Slobode No. 6, Faculty for management). This event is a continuation of cooperation between GIZ and the Directorate for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.