In order to improve public awareness, regarding energy efficiency measures within the project “Energy efficiency in Montenegro”, a documentary film about previous implementation and achieved results of the project in healthcare and educational objects was made. Primary school Bosko Buha in Pljevlja and General hospital Berane were selected for making this documentary. The World Bank financially supported this film.
Significance of MEEP is visible, if we take into account the fact that energy is spent inefficiently in healthcare and educational objects due to their poor conditions. Primary school Bosko Buha is an example of this. The school has a significant consumption of energy considering the fact that it is situated in Pljevlja, a city in which winter temperature reaches 20 degrees bellow zero. Consequently, comfortable conditions are not created for teachers and pupils. Before the project “Energy efficiency in Montenegro” there were no significant investments in primary school “Bosko Buha” ever since 1956 when this object was built. Teachers and pupils were aware of the school conditions.
Significant funds were provided within MEEP for improving energy performance of primary school “Bosko Buha”. After the works, after the reconstructed school facility was opened and after the beginning of a new school year, teachers and pupils got a completely new school facility in terms of energy efficiency. This will significantly decrease consumption, creating at the same time much better conditions for staying in it. According to deputy principal Blazo Cepic, space heating is significantly better and consumption of energy and coal is significantly decreased. Due to implementation of MEEP pupils of primary school “Bosko Buha” are aware of the fact that now they can be fully dedicated to acquiring new knowledge. A new chapter of primary school “Bosko Buha” has began to the satisfaction of all pupils.
Before implementation of MEEP General hospital Berane was in similar situation. Many aspects of the building were not functioning properly in terms of energy efficiency and this could be noticed by employees, as well as by patients. Costs of heating were very high due to low temperatures and poor insulation. In addition, work conditions for the medical staff were more difficult. At the maternity ward rooms where mothers stayed were not heated enough. However, MEEP ensured reconstruction of objects in terms of energy efficiency. According to a member of the medical staff, significant saving in energy consumption was achieved with the replacement of 30 small boilers with a large one. After the works were finished, conditions for residing in this object were significantly improved. Patients express their satisfaction in relation to the achieved result and medical staff performs every day duties with more enthusiasm. When talking about maternity ward, project “Energy efficiency in Montenegro” enabled the youngest citizens of municipalities of Berane, Andrijevica and Plav to get introduced with advantages and significance of energy efficiency.
This kind of projects significantly contribute to energy savings in adapted objects, as well as to decreasing pollution of environment to the general satisfaction of all users and citizens of Montenegro.
Here you can see the film on energy efficiency measures which were implemented in primary school “Bosko Buha” and general hospital Berane within the project “Energy efficiency in Montenegro”.
Primary school “Bosko Buha”, Pljevlja and General Hospital Berane were selected for the making of these movies.
Other films related to this project can be watched in the video gallery of the project.