Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting

The Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting was held on April 28th, at the Crna Gora Hotel in Podgorica, organized by the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro and the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ). Conferences dealing with specific topics such as the quality of lighting and rational consumption of energy were held for the first time in Montenegro and the region.


light_confer_1The conference was opened by the Minister of Economy, Vladimir Kavarić and director of the GIZ for Montenegro Peter Bonin. In opening remarks Minister Kavarić stressed that: "... without significant improvements in energy efficiency, we can not guarantee economic and environmentally sustainable energy supply in the long run…". While Peter Bonin stated that: "... in order to arrive to new solutions for energy efficient lighting systems we should take several steps which include the continuation of political will, availability of efficient technologies, services, and of course, funding mechanisms... "



This conference was characterized by great interest of the local professional community that has surpassed expectations of the organizers of the conference. The conference was attended by more then 150 representatives of private companies, government institutions, universities, students and so on. This is a clear indication of local experts need for gaining new knowledge, making new contacts in this area and generally increased need for addressing more attention to this topic than is currently the case.


light_conf_2Through performed survey, selection of topics and quality of presentation prepared by recognized national and international experts in this field was rated very high by participants. The Conference was attended by manufacturers of light fixtures and equipment, which have one of the leading roles in this area in the world, like: Swarco, Osram, Siteco, Regiolux, etc. In addition to the prepared presentations, mentioned companies exhibit some of their products in the foyer in front room, so the conference participants had the opportunity to establish direct contacts with representatives of these companies. 

This Conference, among others, aimed at connecting the domestic and foreign market, private and public sector, institutions and organizations with activities in the area of energy efficiency, and also at promoting and strengthening energy efficiency in Montenegro. Participation in the Conference offered a special opportunity to get information and to establish the necessary contacts with experts from the area of energy efficient lighting.


Speakers' presentations and other information about the conference can be found at the conference website.
