
Energy Efficiency helps everyone to spend less!

More efficient use of energy by industry helps to:

  • Reduce costs and make enterprises more competitive
  • Provide opportunities to replace old equipment and modernise production
  • Expand output, or the range of production
  • Improve quality standards and meet demands of export markets.

For households, EE helps to do things like:

  • Save on monthly expenses, especially for water heating
  • Have comfort in all the rooms of the home, not just one
  • Reduce the use of air conditioning.

For municipalities becoming more energy efficient will save on the cost of:

  • Providing municipal services like transport, utilities and waste management
  • Heating and cooling public buildings

For governments, EE and RE is important because it

  • Reduces the amount of imported energy, increasing energy security
  • Reduces air pollution and CO2 emissions, thus reducing global warming and helping to meet national targets and Energy Community Treaty commitments and EU Accession obligations.



Do you need financing for your energy efficiency project?

Altogether in the Western Balkans there are 25 Energy Efficiency funds worth 830.36 M€, of which 98% is loan funding.  11 are big regional funds provided by international financial institutions with grant money from the European Commission.





Does your project include renewable energy?

These funds also cover most renewable energy projects as well.





Get more than just a loan

There are plenty of sources of finance which often include loans, with up to 20% grants and technical assistance to help you design your project,  check how effective it is and how much money you will save.  


