The “Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Buildings” (EEPPB), was implemented by the Directorate for Energy Efficiency, in cooperation with the KfW bank, in the period from January 2012 until December 2015. Programme implementation was financed from the funds of loan and financial contribution, provided by the KfW bank, in the amount of 13.44 million EUR.
Programme objective
The objective of the Programme is improvement of the energy efficiency, comfort and working conditions in the selected educational buildings (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and student dormitories), which are under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. The overall Programme objective is contribution to the global climate protection and sustainable development in Montenegro.
The energy efficiency measures, in terms of this Programme, included application of thermal insulation on the facade and roofs, replacement of the facade joinery, improvements/ construction of the heating/cooling system and system for preparation of the sanitary hot water, improvements of the lighting system, works on preparation of the buildings for application of the energy efficiency measures, as well as improvement of other components which influence the consumption of the energy and comfort conditions in the buildings.
Programme implementation
Ministry of economy, with its Directorate for energy efficiency, is responsible for implementation of the Programme.
Programme results
Within this Programme, works on application of the energy efficiency measures and improvement of the comfort were executed in 20 primary and secondary schools and 1 students dormitory, with the objective to achieve energy savings of at least 20% and/or to provide temperature in the classrooms of 20ºC.
According to the preliminary results of the evaluation, the total achieved energy savings, for the buildings which were refurbished in 2013 and 2014, are 5,914,566 kWh, which represents 62.96% of the total “baseline” consumption. Total reduction of the CO2 emission is 2181.24 t/year.